Monday, November 23, 2009

White lable Sales Engine Optimization (SEO) by other SEO companies

Copying ones work is sometimes considered the ultimate compliment --- so when established SEO firms contact us to white label our services, that is a true compliment. We want our peers to be even more successful than us, because the Search Engine Optimization market is growing by leaps and bound and their is room for all of us to work and grow.

The best part of this process is to make sure that our customers are well informed and well educated so that they see the value / ROI. We know how to generate leads and sales --- its really very simple get on page 1 ranking of Google, Yahoo & MSN (Bing) and stay there as long as you possible. Getting to page 1 is 1/2 the battle, staying there is what makes all the difference.

Clearly this is a combination of art and science (ok! brute force is also part of the magic). We are making head way in the Sales Engine Optimization (SEO) space rapidly and all of our efforts continue to be aligned to support our customers attracting more leads, better leads and measured leads. Clearly, this all delivers results (SALES) and growth for our clients --- which makes them happy!!!

The ultimate compliment is when companies over a decade old in the SEO space contact us to see if we can help them with expansions through white labeling our services. SURE!! Why not!! As long as the customer is getting results from our efforts, we are delighted to help our peers in the SEO & SEM market.

Houston SEO market is growing because Houston will soon be the 3rd largest city in USA, this environment is rich with new and existing businesses focused on B2B, B2C and P2P markets. They all need marketing services --- not just on the web but also traditional marketing services --- and we are the very few Search Engine Optimization firms that offers traditional marketing along with new age marketing.

Unlike Advertising Agencies and Media Buyers --- we actually do the work so we know how to manage, price, produce, deliver, track, optimize, measure and perform results for our clients. Our clients are direct buyers of our services and indirect SEO and marketing firms who understand we are not a threat but really interested in helping them continue to expand and grow. Did you know that we can offer our clients 40% off the rate card for broadcast media on all major networks (that would be TV) --- nationally and globally. We can guarantee 1 million views for as little as $0.0012 per 30 second spot. Yes, you read this right, this is less than a penny --- call us or email us to learn more about our capabilities and how we can help boost your leads and sales today!!!


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