Saturday, November 07, 2009

"Its about SALES Stupid!"

When you have knowledge and ability about a specific subject matter and potentially known in the Industry as an expert in the subject, "you know who you are" --- don't you get frustrated when others interested in hiring you but just will not spend the time to listen?

So, I had a great meeting with a mid-size client and they want to know how to dominate the web and generate 96% of leads from the web and get rid of the current slow process of using sales teams to generate this.

In app. 30 minutes of going over the details --- they immediately understood how they need to think about Internet marketing, lead generation and sales. Which was a delight for me --- because these guys are great clients. I did want to say "its about sales stupid!" not to them but most often when I interact with customers who don't spend the time to understand how to think about leveraging SEO - Sales Engine Optimization / Search Engine Optimization.

Google, Yahoo & Bing (MSN) has made spending money on PPC so easy that most customers can spend many thousands and not see a return. These platforms are excellent and they have spent millions to make them simple so anyone with a business idea can advertise. This is a good things because now the average Joe can setup a business and earn a living --- so you would think -- Ha! Ha!

Search Engine Optimization is not for the average Joe --- its for people who are serious about make money from the web. It for business owners who understand that they need to be on page 1 of Google, Yahoo & Bing for the lowest possible money and stay on page 1 consistently for the long-term.

Winning in business is not a 100 meter dash but an endurance race which does not end. Its for winners who can spend time with experts like I and my select team of web and broadcast media experts. Its about getting wealthy (not just rich).

Our clients, when they spend the time with us, see 1st hand that they are getting sales today and we design the Sales Engine Optimization (SEO) for the long-term sales growth for their Company.

When Google AdWords costing you too much money to be on Page 1 or even in the top 3 spots and you know in your heart that you are spending way too much money to get a good return --- then you are starting to see the picture --- call or email us for a no obligation discussion about your business and how we can get you to page 1 for more leads and sales today!!


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