Friday, March 26, 2010

Google AdWords - Ads Ranked - VERTX SEO

Google AdWords PPC -- VERTX SEO

Here is my issue --- we have a client who has personally managed Google AdWords PPC for 6 years and they have built up a business which delivered him 7 figure earnings. He is young, good looking, smart, dynamic, kool, really someone who I think we could have a long-term cross vendor/partner relationship with. However, he has a very specific style regarding the need to present a very professional image on the web and overall. This too we agree with and align with the branding and PR company.

Here is where we are not on the same page. He has over the years cast a wide net to capture unlimited number of clicks and recently he has found that others are crowding his space at the top of Google AdWords PPC sponsored ads. Furthermore, his cousin who he advised to come into the business has decided to open his own Company and compete with our client.

He hired us to do this job of managing SEO + PPC but really mostly SEO. Through out the process, he has second guessed our recommendations. Our PPC click through rate (CTR) for the campaigns we designed averaged 2% to 3% --- this is very high. Average position was 1.2 to 1.5 again very high. The volume on the campaigns were lower than what he is used to because it was targeted, i.e. he is in commercial property tax reduction space, so if the person was reading his add and saw that it was commercial and the consumer is residential --- we do not want the residential consumer to click and cost my client money. Then the style of the campaign is not professional -- we tend to leverage old proven marketing strategies of using "messages to make the reader stop and read the ads" --- this is like the old classified ads --- if you took a course in marketing 101 -- they teach you how to write these eye catching ads.

Then there is the cost -- the click through rate was $3.29/click at position 1 or 2 --- vs. high volume, not qualified, at average of $1/click. I am more about quality than the cost, I guess.

In any case, I told my client that we will shut down the ads which we designed and continue to leverage what he likes --- the CUSTOMER IS ALWAY'S RIGHT!!!!

Then I proceeded to find out what Google states so that I can educate my client --- I figured it would help my Blog readers to see this as well, so I posted it below.

At VERTX SEO its all about getting a good ROI, we know from experience that if you are not on page 1 of Google, Yahoo & Bing at the TOP of the PAGE --- you are loosing out on key clients. Therefore, be it sponsored ads or organic search --- we like to get our client all the way to the top of the keyword being searched.

Well, read on and I hope this information will help you get the leads and sales you need. Google AdWords PPC is part of VERTX SEO managed services for our clients. If we can help you, please touch base with us.

Ad Rank = CPC bid × Quality Score

===== FROM GOOGLE AdWords PPC Help Files =========

How are ads ranked?

Ads are positioned on search and content pages based on their Ad Rank. The ad with the highest Ad Rank appears in the first position, and so on down the page.

Ad Rank formulas

The criteria determining Ad Rank differ for your keyword-targeted ads depending on whether they're appearing on Google and the search network or on the content network. There's also a third set of criteria determining whether a placement-targeted ad will show on a given content page. Click the links below to see the Ad Rank formula for each scenario.

    Keyword-targeted ads on Google and on search partners

    A keyword-targeted ad is ranked on a search result page based on the matched keyword's maximum cost-per-click (CPC) bid and Quality Score. Note that some search partners have a different page layout than Google.

    Ad Rank = CPC bid × Quality Score

    The Quality Score for Ad Rank on Google and search partners is determined by:

    • The historical clickthrough rate (CTR) of the keyword and the matched ad on the site. For Google, only historical performance on Google is considered. For search partners, performance on the specific search partner is used, along with how the ad performs across the search network.
    • Your account history, which is measured by the CTR of all the ads and keywords in your account
    • The historical CTR of the display URLs in the ad group
    • The relevance of the keyword to the ads in its ad group
    • The relevance of the keyword and the matched ad to the search query
    • Your account's performance in the geographical region where the ad will be shown
    • Other relevance factors

    Give us a call or email us for more information on how we can help you get the results at very affordable prices and packages....

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